German & English:Two Language Powerhouses in the Business World
German is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union, and the second-most spoken language in Europe, after English.
German-speaking countries are amongst Europe’s largest economic powerhouses and huge exporters of in-demand products and services.
The German-speaking world (Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and parts of Belgium and Luxembourg) is renowned for quality.
English ranks first in the internet in terms of users and sites.
Translating your website and other content into English opens your business up to a huge market of potential customers.
Making your content more widely accessible to speakers of other languages, will help others benefit from your services and products and will grow awareness around your brand, its reputation and sales.
Translating your content to English is a big step in that direction. It goes without saying that English has huge international relevance, ranking first in the internet in terms of both English-speaking users and sites. Translating your website and other content into English opens up your business to a huge market of potential customers that have English as either a first, second or third language.